Mock Community Generation

By Hand
Creation of test communities

December 21, 2021


In order to make the differences between the metrics presented on this site more apparent, it would be helpful to have a standard mock community that can be used.

Here, I will make two sets of 3 communities - one set that differs in sequencing depth, and another that differs in evenness.

True community with known abundances

First, I will define a true population that mimics a typical microbial community population that has a “long tail” distribution. Our community will have 20 total members, 10 of which are above 1% abundance, and the other 10 are below 1% in abundance.

asv_probabilities = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, rep(0.05, 3), rep(0.025, 4), rep(0.001, 5), rep(0.0001, 5))
names(asv_probabilities) <- paste("ASV", 1:length(asv_probabilities), sep = "")

Each species is named with “ASV” plus a number that increases with decreasing abundance. Don’t worry if you are not familiar with ASVs are what they mean. For now, just think of them as simply the microbial species names.

Different sequencing depths (mock community #1)

Starting with this distribution of the true community, let’s take 3 samples at depths of 10,000, 1,000 and 100. This is done with replace=TRUE to simulate a very (infinitely?) large population.

Sample_1 = table(sample(x=names(asv_probabilities), size=10000, replace=TRUE, prob=asv_probabilities))
Sample_2 = table(sample(x=names(asv_probabilities), size=1000, replace=TRUE, prob=asv_probabilities)) 
Sample_3 = table(sample(x=names(asv_probabilities), size=100, replace=TRUE, prob=asv_probabilities))

Different diversity/evenness (mock community #2)

Next, we will take these same 20 species and define different true proportions to sample from. These next three communities will have decreasing evenness from 1) all 20 perfectly even, 2) ten species with 10x more abundance than the other 10, and 3) two species with 100x more abundance than the other 18 species.

Then, each will be sampled 10,000 times to give us the same sequencing effort.

Sample_4 = table(sample(x=paste("ASV", 1:20, sep = ""), size=10000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(rep(1,1), rep(1,19))))
Sample_5 = table(sample(x=paste("ASV", 1:20, sep = ""), size=10000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(rep(10,10), rep(1,10))))
Sample_6 = table(sample(x=paste("ASV", 1:20, sep = ""), size=10000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(rep(100,2), rep(1,18))))

Combining into one dataset

Now, these 6 samples can be made into an “ASV table” with samples in columns, and species names in rows.

d = list(Sample_1, Sample_2, Sample_3, Sample_4, Sample_5, Sample_6)
names(d) = c("Sample_1", "Sample_2", "Sample_3", "Sample_4", "Sample_5", "Sample_6")

mock_community = bind_rows(d, .id = "SAMPLE") %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = c(everything(), -SAMPLE), names_to = "ASV") %>% 
    mutate(value = as.numeric(value), value = ifelse(, 0, value)) %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = SAMPLE, values_from = value)  %>%
    mutate(ASV = fct_relevel(ASV, gtools::mixedsort(unique(as.character(.$ASV))))) %>% 
Same Evenness, Differing Depth or Same Depth, Differing Evenness
ASV Different Depth Different Evenness
Sample_1 Sample_2 Sample_3 Sample_4 Sample_5 Sample_6
ASV1 3589 334 36 503 934 4584
ASV2 2337 214 20 536 897 4594
ASV3 1134 129 14 504 926 42
ASV4 559 68 10 498 875 47
ASV5 533 63 4 480 873 56
ASV6 624 63 6 513 848 40
ASV7 268 33 2 531 955 50
ASV8 302 27 2 524 926 44
ASV9 300 30 4 494 936 50
ASV10 300 34 2 510 932 44
ASV11 14 0 0 511 92 45
ASV12 8 0 0 480 79 46
ASV13 11 1 0 475 89 42
ASV14 8 0 0 491 85 34
ASV15 6 3 0 492 101 46
ASV16 0 0 0 502 80 52
ASV17 1 0 0 485 87 47
ASV18 1 0 0 502 97 36
ASV19 3 1 0 496 95 44
ASV20 2 0 0 473 93 57

OK, everything looks good. This dataset can now be saved in order to use it in other pages as necessary.